%0 Dataset %T Main Meteorological Datasets of Jimunai Snow Storage Experiment %J National Cryosphere Desert Data Center %I National Cryosphere Desert Data Center(www.ncdc.ac.cn) %U http://www.ncdc.ac.cn/portal/metadata/bf7e3c92-8863-490c-8afa-d5710c7adf2f %W NCDC %R 10.12072/ncdc.t-snow.db2893.2023 %A Feiteng Wang %A None %K Air temperature;downward shortwave radiation;snow storage meteorology %X This dataset is the meteorological half hour observation data of the station from June to August 2019. The meteorological observation field of Sauyr Zhotasy Glacier Grassland Station is located at the south foot of Aletai Mountain, north of Saur Mountains, 6 km from the north side of Sauyr Zhotasy Glacier, and 2915 m above sea level near the comprehensive meteorological observation field of alpine area (47 ° 08 ′ N, 85 ° 35 ′ E) 39 km south of Jeminay County in Altay Prefecture, Xinjiang. The site meets the requirements of the construction specifications for ground meteorological observation sites. This dataset contains a total of 1 txt file, including temperature (℃) and downward shortwave radiation elements (W/m2).