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名   称 The relationship between oil generation, expulsion and retention of lacustrine shales: Based on pyrolysis simulation experiments (湖相页岩生成油、排出油和滞留油的相关性研究:基于热解模拟实验)
科技资源标识 CSTR:11738.14.NCDC.XDA14.PP5705.2024
DOI 10.1016/j.petrol.2020.107625
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摘   要 The oil expulsion efficiency of shales is restricted by quite a few geological and geochemical factors, resulting in a
great challenge to be evaluated quantitatively. In this paper, a semi-open pyrolysis simulation experiment based
on a gold tube system was applied to simulate the oil generation and expulsion of seven lacustrine shale core
samples with low maturities (Ro between 0.54% and 0.68%) and different kerogen types (types I and II) taken
from the Shengli Oilfield, eastern China, and the corresponding seven suits of artificially matured sub-samples
with a Ro range of 0.70–1.35% were obtained. The evolution of oil generation and oil expulsion, and their
coupling relationships with oil retention for these samples with increasing maturity were investigated. The results
show that the main stage of oil expulsion of these shales lags significantly behind the main stages of both oil
generation and oil retention, with a corresponding Ro range of 0.80–0.90%, 0.70–0.85% and 0.65–0.82%,
respectively. The oil expulsion efficiencies of these shales are not only constrained by their maturities, but also
affected by their kerogen types and TOC contents. The shales with greater petroleum potentials and/or greater
TOC contents have greater oil expulsion efficiencies. There is a good positive correlation between the retained oil
and the total oil (i.e., the generated oil) for these shales as their Ro ≤ 0.98%, and this relationship is not
significantly influenced by their kerogen types and maturities. The results may provide an alternative way for
predicting the oil expulsion efficiency of natural shales according to their retained oil.
作者 Sun Jian
数据量 11.0 MiB
论文类型: journal
期刊名称: Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
出版时间: 2021-01-01
Sun Jian. The relationship between oil generation, expulsion and retention of lacustrine shales: Based on pyrolysis simulation experiments (湖相页岩生成油、排出油和滞留油的相关性研究:基于热解模拟实验). 国家冰川冻土沙漠科学数据中心(, 2024.
Sun Jian. The relationship between oil generation, expulsion and retention of lacustrine shales: Based on pyrolysis simulation experiments (湖相页岩生成油、排出油和滞留油的相关性研究:基于热解模拟实验). 国家冰川冻土沙漠科学数据中心(, 2024.
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