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名   称 The geochemical characteristics of Tazhong crude oils from the Tarim Basin, northwestern China
科技资源标识 CSTR:11738.14.NCDC.XDA14.PP4425.2024
DOI 10.1177/0144598717742969
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摘   要 Recent exploration work in the Tazhong district has gradually transferred to the exploitation of
high and over mature oils in deep and ultra-deep layers. This has proved problematic, however, as
the distribution of crude oils in the Tazhong is complex. This means that the geochemical char_x0002_acterization of high and over mature oils, especially for light crude oils, have become increasingly
important. The stability of concerted ring structure of aromatics makes them having stronger
thermal stability and resistance to biodegradation. This means that there are abundant aromatic
compounds in high and over mature oils. This study presents a series of geochemical analyses of
the maturity parameters of 89 crude oils from the Tazhong area, including stable carbon and
hydrogen isotope analyses of compounds from 43 light crude oils. These analyses are then
compared with other data from the Tazhong Number I fault zone, as well as the Tazhong
Number 10 and Tazhong Uplift structural zones. Results show that the geochemical parameters
of oils from Tazhong Number I fault zone generally encompass a wider range than those from the
Tazhong Number 10 structural zone, which indicates that the Tazhong Number I slope belt is
more active than its counterpart structural belt and generates oils with more complex geochemical characteristics. The positive correlation between the toluene/methyl cyclohexane ratio and
the dibenzothiophene/phenanthrene ratio, as well as with the naphthalene/phenanthrene ratio
indicates that aromatization parameters can be used to evaluate the maturity of light crude oils,
and there may be inherited relationships between toluene and methyl cyclohexane in crude oils
作者 Yungan Liang
数据量 2.1 MiB
论文类型: journal
期刊名称: Energy Exploration & Exploitation
出版时间: 2018-07-01
Yungan Liang. The geochemical characteristics of Tazhong crude oils from the Tarim Basin, northwestern China. 国家冰川冻土沙漠科学数据中心(, 2024.
Yungan Liang. The geochemical characteristics of Tazhong crude oils from the Tarim Basin, northwestern China. 国家冰川冻土沙漠科学数据中心(, 2024.
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