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名   称 On the Orientation of Fractures with Transpressional and Transtensional Wrenches in Pre-Existing Faults
科技资源标识 CSTR:11738.14.NCDC.XDA14.PP5939.2024
DOI 10.4236/wjm.2020.1011014
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摘   要 The orientation of fractures with transpressional and transtensional wrenches
in pre-existing faults has not been quantitatively determined. Based on Coulomb
failure criterion and Byerlee’s frictional sliding criterion, this paper has
indicated quantitative geometric relationships between the pre-existing fault
and the local induced principal stress axes caused by the rejuvenation of the
pre-existing fault. For a hidden pre-existing fault with some cohesion, the
angles between the local induced principal stress axes and the pre-existing
fault quantitatively vary with the applied stress and the cohesion coefficient,
the ratio of the thickness of the cover layer to the thickness of the whole
wrench body, whether transpressional or transtensional wrenches occur. For
a surface pre-existing fault with zero cohesion, the angles between the
pre-existing fault and the local induced principal stress axes are related to
the rock inner frictional angle regardless of both the applied stress and the
cohesion coefficient where transpressional wrenches occur, and the local
induced maximum principal stress axis is identical with the applied maximum
principal stress axis where transtensional wrenches occur. Therefore,
the geometric relationships between the pre-existing faults and their related
fractures are defined, because the local induced principal stress axes determine
the directions of the related fractures. The results can be applied to
pre-existing weak fabrics. They can help to understand and analyze wrench
structures in outcrops or subsurface areas. They are of significance in petroleum
作者 Shuping Chen
data size 1.0 MiB
论文类型: journal
期刊名称: World Journal of Mechanics
出版时间: 2021-09-01
Data reference
Shuping Chen. On the Orientation of Fractures with Transpressional and Transtensional Wrenches in Pre-Existing Faults. National Cryosphere Desert Data Center(, 2024.
Shuping Chen. On the Orientation of Fractures with Transpressional and Transtensional Wrenches in Pre-Existing Faults. National Cryosphere Desert Data Center(, 2024.
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