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名   称 Pyrolysis involving n-hexadecane, water and minerals: Insight into the mechanisms and isotope fractionation for water-hydrocarbon reaction
科技资源标识 CSTR:11738.14.NCDC.XDA14.PP4336.2024
DOI 10.1016/j.jaap.2018.01.009
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摘   要 To ascertain the effects of minerals and dissolved salts on gas generation from water-hydrocarbon reaction, a
series of pyrolysis of n-C16 with water and different minerals or salt solutions at 330–420 °C and 50 MPa were
conducted in a gold-tube pyrolysis apparatus. It was shown that both calcite and montmorillonite exhibited
evidently catalytic effects on gas generation in pyrolysis of hydrocarbon involving water at elevated temperature.
The evident higher D/H ratios of methane in hydrous pyrolysis using deuterated water demonstrate that
water provided H or D for hydrocarbon gas generation in water-hydrocarbon reaction. Meanwhile, the presence
of two minerals resulted in the distinct distribution of the isomeric index (i-C4/n-C4) and carbon isotopic
compositions for gas products. In addition, there was a negative correlation between gas yields/isomeric index
and NaCl/KCl concentrations in hydrous pyrolysis of n-C16. Theoretical calculations based on density functional
theory (DFT) and transition states (TS) revealed that the activation energies for reactions between alkenes and
H+ or water are much lower than those involving water and other organic compounds. The water-hydrocarbon
reaction in this study should mainly occur via ionic mechanism, though free radical reaction between alkyl
radicals and water also presented. Moreover, it was demonstrated that ionic and free radical mechanisms
dominated the water-hydrocarbon reaction with montmorillonite and calcite, respectively. The effects of dissolved
salts on water-hydrocarbon reaction can be interpreted by the evolution of H+ concentration with salt
concentration in aqueous solutions at elevated temperature. In addition, the differences in carbon isotope
fractionation for methane generation from water-hydrocarbon reaction via free radical and ionic mechanisms
were addressed. Hydrogen isotope fractionation for methane during water-hydrocarbon reaction or hydrogenation
by water was also elucidated by thermodynamic calculations. Finally, a model for the prediction of
hydrogen isotopic ratios of methane after hydrogen transfer equilibrium between water and methane is proposed.
作者 Kun He,Shuichang Zhang,Jingkui Mi,Wenlong Zhang
数据量 1.1 MiB
论文类型: journal
期刊名称: Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis
出版时间: 2018-03-01
Kun He,Shuichang Zhang,Jingkui Mi,Wenlong Zhang. Pyrolysis involving n-hexadecane, water and minerals: Insight into the mechanisms and isotope fractionation for water-hydrocarbon reaction. 国家冰川冻土沙漠科学数据中心(, 2024.
Kun He,Shuichang Zhang,Jingkui Mi,Wenlong Zhang. Pyrolysis involving n-hexadecane, water and minerals: Insight into the mechanisms and isotope fractionation for water-hydrocarbon reaction. 国家冰川冻土沙漠科学数据中心(, 2024.
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