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名   称 Architecture characterization of Ordovician fault-controlled paleokarst carbonate reservoirs in Tuoputai, Tahe oilfield, Tarim Basin, NW China
科技资源标识 CSTR:11738.14.NCDC.XDA14.PP5633.2024
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摘   要 Based on outcrop, core, logging, seismic and production data, and the formation of fault-controlled karst reservoirs, the types and characterization of Ordovician fault-controlled karst reservoir architectures in the Tuoputai area of the Tahe oil field are studied. According to the concept of genetic geologic body, the fault-controlled karst reservoir is divided into archi tecture elements of four levels, the strike-slip fault impact zone is the level-1 architecture element, the fault-controlled karst reservoir the level-2 architecture element, the fracture-cave zone (which can be further subdivided into dissolution cave, disso lution pore and vug, and fracture zones) inside the fault-controlled karst reservoir the level-3 architecture element, and fillings inside caves is the level-4 architecture element (which can be further divided based on the filling degree and lithologic types of
the fillings). Specific characterization techniques have been optimized according to the characteristics of various architecture elements. The zone impacted by strike-slip fault is characterized by seismic coherence and artificial interpretation. Under the constraint of zone impacted by strike-slip fault, fault likelihood (FL) property is used to characterize the outline of fault-controlled karst reservoir. Under the constraint of fault-controlled karst reservoir outline, the internal structures are di vided based on seismic texture attribute. Finally, the cavern filling pattern is interpreted based on drilling and logging data. The fault-controlled karst reservoirs can be interpreted in 3-dimensional space by architecture element levels, and the characteriza tion technology combining log and seismic data for fault-controlled karst reservoir has been worked out, which has comple mented the development theory and technologies for this kind of reservoirs in the Tahe oilfield.
作者 Wenbiao Zhang,Taizhong Duan,Meng Li,Huawei Zhao,Xiaofei Shang,Yan Wang
数据量 4.0 MiB
论文类型: journal
期刊名称: Petroleum Exploration and Development
出版时间: 2021-04-01
Wenbiao Zhang,Taizhong Duan,Meng Li,Huawei Zhao,Xiaofei Shang,Yan Wang. Architecture characterization of Ordovician fault-controlled paleokarst carbonate reservoirs in Tuoputai, Tahe oilfield, Tarim Basin, NW China. 国家冰川冻土沙漠科学数据中心(, 2024.
Wenbiao Zhang,Taizhong Duan,Meng Li,Huawei Zhao,Xiaofei Shang,Yan Wang. Architecture characterization of Ordovician fault-controlled paleokarst carbonate reservoirs in Tuoputai, Tahe oilfield, Tarim Basin, NW China. 国家冰川冻土沙漠科学数据中心(, 2024.
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