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名   称 Assessment the gas potential of coal-bearing mudstones from upper paleozoic in ordos basin via gold-tube pyrolysis
科技资源标识 CSTR:11738.14.NCDC.XDA14.PP4391.2024
DOI 10.1016/j.jngse.2021.103895
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摘   要 Previous natural gas explorations in Ordos Basin were conducted in areas with thick coal deposited. Recently,
natural gas flow were discovered in southern basin where very thin coal seams were developed, implying the
contribution from other source rocks, e.g. the coal measure mudstones. In order to thoroughly assess the quality
and gas potential of coal measure mudstones, 58 mudstones from borehole were analyzed by Rock-Eval method
and gold-tube pyrolysis was carried out on immature carbonaceous and dark mudstones with detailed
geochemical characteristics of hydrocarbon products detected.
The results indicated the mudstones were dominated by type III kerogen and assisted by type II kerogen and
were fair to good source rocks. Pyrolysis data demonstrated the peak yield of C1-5 for carbonaceous mudstone
was very close to that of coal, whereas the maximum C1-5 yield for dark mudstone accounted for 62.5% of that of
carbonaceous mudstone, indicating the good gas potential of carbonaceous mudstone. The generated gaseous
hydrocarbons were predominately derived from primary kerogen cracking.
The computed activation energy of C1-5 for carbonaceous mudstone showed a more discrete distribution
compared to dark mudstone. The modeled methane conversion for dark mudstone was higher than that of
carbonaceous mudstone since entering main gas generation stage, which was consistent with the concentrated
and lower activation energies for dark mudstone. Furthermore, the modeled gas in southern basin was much
higher than that in central basin, due to the more severe thermal alteration that coal measures in southern basin
had experienced.
On the basis of the integrated analysis of methane generation and adsorption, the areas with thick carbona-
ceous mudstone deposited had fair exploration prospects and further gas explorations should pay more attention
作者 Wang Qingtao
数据量 10.8 MiB
论文类型: journal
期刊名称: Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering
出版时间: 2021-06-01
Wang Qingtao. Assessment the gas potential of coal-bearing mudstones from upper paleozoic in ordos basin via gold-tube pyrolysis. 国家冰川冻土沙漠科学数据中心(, 2024.
Wang Qingtao. Assessment the gas potential of coal-bearing mudstones from upper paleozoic in ordos basin via gold-tube pyrolysis. 国家冰川冻土沙漠科学数据中心(, 2024.
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