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名   称 The Biomarkers in the Mesoproterozoic Organic-rich Rocks of North China Craton Implication for the Precursor and Preservation of Organism in the Prokaryotic Realm
科技资源标识 CSTR:11738.14.NCDC.XDA14.PP4349.2024
DOI 10.1111/1755-6724.14773
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摘   要 Mesoproterozoic marine organic-rich rocks are widely distributed in the North China Craton, include the
Gaoyuzhuang (GYZ), the Hongshuizhuang (HSZ), and the Xiamaling (XML) formations. According to the Tmax value and
isomerisation ratio of C31 homohopanes, the XML, HSZ, and GYZ samples were in low mature, mature and high mature
stage, respectively. Biomarker distribution in extractable organic matter (EOM) of three Mesoproterozoic organic-rock
samples in different maturity were analysed to reveal the organic precursor and preservation pathway of in the
Mesoproterozoic Combined with gold-tube pyrolysates of three Mesoproterozoic samples, it could further illuminate the
chemical composition of Mesoproterozoic kerogen, given excluding. The results indicated that the three formations were all
deposited under reducing condition and their organic precursors mainly were some aquatic organisms. High content of
rearranged hopanes was detected in EOM of XML and HSZ samples, whereas they were relatively low in the high mature
GYZ sample. Contrast to that in EOM, the relative concentration of rearranged hopanes sharply decreased in the gold-tube
pyrolysates of the XML kerogen, then slightly increased but was still significantly lower than the EOM of XML sample,
which indicated that catalysis of clay minerals in the early diagenesis only changed the chemical composition of the
unstable functional groups of the kerogen during the preservation. Due to the thriving heterotrophic microbes and low sink
rate of particulate organic matter during the Mesoproterozoic, primary producers suffered extensive degradation during
sinking process, only some resistant biopolymers lacking of lipid compounds survived from heterotrophic degradation,
while heterotrophic microbes contained more proportion of organic precursors. Abundant pristane (Pr) and phytane (Ph)
were only released in high mature stage because of the protection of the macromolecular structure of resistant biopolymers
which prevented biomarkers from being altered by the thermal stress. The absence of 13α(n-alkyl)-tricyclic terpanes in the
high matured hydrocarbon products also indicated the different precursors between different parts of Mesoproterozoic
kerogen. The evolution of the biomarker composition and content of Mesoproterozoic kerogen showed some special
characteristics differing from those of Phanerozoic kerogen. The total concentrations of hopanes displayed with an order of
low mature stage > high mature stage > mature stage. Relative content of rearranged hopanes in the hydrocarbon generated
in high mature stage was significantly lower than that in the low maturity stage. The ratios of Pr/n-C17 and Ph/n-C18
increased with thermal maturity, and the ratio of nC21/nC22+ decreased in the high maturity stage, thus displaying another
order of mature stage > high maturity stage > low maturity stage. The unique preservation pathway of Mesoproterozoic
organisms was attributed to the special evolution characteristics of biomarker distributions, which should be considered in
the Mesoproterozoic marine environment and biological studies.
作者 MA Sihong,ZHANG Shuichang,SU Jin,WANG Xiaomei,HE Kun,FANG Yu,MI Jingkui
data size 4.0 MiB
论文类型: journal
期刊名称: Acta Geologica Sinica
出版时间: 2022-02-01
Data reference
MA Sihong,ZHANG Shuichang,SU Jin,WANG Xiaomei,HE Kun,FANG Yu,MI Jingkui. The Biomarkers in the Mesoproterozoic Organic-rich Rocks of North China Craton Implication for the Precursor and Preservation of Organism in the Prokaryotic Realm. National Cryosphere Desert Data Center(, 2024.
MA Sihong,ZHANG Shuichang,SU Jin,WANG Xiaomei,HE Kun,FANG Yu,MI Jingkui. The Biomarkers in the Mesoproterozoic Organic-rich Rocks of North China Craton Implication for the Precursor and Preservation of Organism in the Prokaryotic Realm. National Cryosphere Desert Data Center(, 2024.
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