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名   称 Fluid Phase Simulation and Evolution of a Condensate Gas Reservoir in the Tazhong Uplift, Tarim Basin
科技资源标识 CSTR:11738.14.NCDC.XDA14.PP4418.2024
DOI 10.1155/2019/8627698
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摘   要 The fluid phase and the evolution of the condensate gas reservoir in the Lianglitage Formation (O3), Well ZG7-5, Tazhong Uplift,
were studied by integrating the PVTsim and the PetroMod software. The fluid phase was successfully simulated, and the burial,
temperature, pressure, and pressure coefficient histories were reconstructed. The evolution of the fluid phase and its properties
(density, viscosity, and gas-oil ratio) under the ideal and gas washing conditions was also explored. The simulated pressure_x0002_temperature (P‐T) phase diagram confirms that the reservoir fluid is in the condensate gas phase at present, with an order of
critical point-cricondenbar-cricondentherm (CP‐Pm‐Tm). The temperature and pressure show an overall increasing trend
considering the entirety of geological evolution. Under ideal conditions, fluid transition from coexisting gas and liquid phases to
a single condensate gas phase occurred during the Late Cretaceous (80 Ma, T = 135 7°
C, and P = 58 19 MPa). The density and
viscosity of the liquid phase decreased gradually while the density and viscosity of the gas phase and the solution gas-oil ratio
increased during geological processes. With the consideration of gas washing, the critical phase transition time points for 100%
and 50% gas washing fluid are 394 Ma, 383 Ma, 331 Ma, and 23 Ma, as well as 266 Ma and 23 Ma, respectively. The average
liquid phase density, gas phase density, and liquid phase viscosity under 100% gas washing are larger than those under 50% gas
washing before 23 Ma (Miocene), while the gas phase viscosity values are similar for both cases. This study visually suggests that
the temperature and pressure histories, which are controlled by the burial history and heat flow evolution, and gas washing have
significant impacts on the formation of the condensate gas reservoirs and evolution of the fluid phase and its features in the
Tazhong Uplift
作者 Rui Deng
数据量 4.9 MiB
论文类型: journal
期刊名称: Geofluids
出版时间: 2019-09-01
Rui Deng. Fluid Phase Simulation and Evolution of a Condensate Gas Reservoir in the Tazhong Uplift, Tarim Basin. 国家冰川冻土沙漠科学数据中心(, 2024.
Rui Deng. Fluid Phase Simulation and Evolution of a Condensate Gas Reservoir in the Tazhong Uplift, Tarim Basin. 国家冰川冻土沙漠科学数据中心(, 2024.
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